Senin, 23 Maret 2015


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1. step out
2. cash
3. vendors
4. remind of
5. ID cards
6. grab
7. spend
8. pick
9. shout
10. treat
11. wanna (want to)
12. strange
13. it's on me
14. innocent
15. no way
16. chill out

1. I ___ the money I got from my parents wisely. I only bought things that i needed, not things that I wanted

2. It was already 6.30 am. I ___ my backpack and ran to school with my mouth still full of bread

3. I think all babies in the world have an ___ look. That's what makes people fall in love with them every time they look at babies.

4. ________ go and see a good film with me? Let's go together. Don't worry if you don't have enough money. ____ _____ _____.

5. I wanted to ____ mymother her favorite food because I successfully sold all the brooches that I made

6. The smell of the leaves and flowers in the garden ____ me _____ my grandparents' village that I visited last year

7. I was standing in front of the shop window for fifteen minutes. I was confused which T-shirt to ___ because they all looked good

8. I was home alone at that night. I was doing my homework when I heard a ______ noise from the kitchen. Though I was scared, I tried to find out the source of the noise

.9. Today was my lucky day. This morning, my sister's friend _____ me a nicelunch. We met in a food court and had lunch together. WhenI was about to pay mylunch, she said, ''Keep your money. It's _____ ______. Today is my payday''

10. Last Tuesday wasa bad day for me. I didn't have time to eat breakfast and i forgot to bring my pocket money. At break time, I could not go to the school canteen to buy something to eat because I didn't have any ____. I felt very hungry all day long.

11. We were doing our assignment whenour teacher suddenly ____ loudly, ''Thief .... thief.'' He dashed out of the class. Then, wesaw him grab the thief's hand who stole a laptop from the principal room
12. President Obama still remembers his childhood that he spent in Indonesia. He remembers the sate ____ who usuallypassed in front of his house and shouted, ''Te... sate.''

13. After the hard work of cleaning our classroom, we ____ together in the school yard under theshady tree

14. ''Winda, could I borrow your money again?'' I asked Winda. Winda refusedto lend me some money. ''____ _____ _____,'' she said. She explained that I had not returned the money that I had borrowed

15. We were waiting for our favorite artistswho were still inside the airport. As they ______ _____ of the arrival gate, we cheered them loudly and showered them with flowers and confetti.

16. We liked going to the cafe across our school. In the cafe wecould read newspapers, use the internet facility, and buy some drinks and snacks. We usually got a 15% discount when we showed our student ______ ______

1. spend
2. grab
3. innocent
4. wanna
5. treat
6. remind of
7. buy
8. strange
9. it's on me
10. cash
11, shout
12, vendors
13. chill out
14. no way
15. step out
16. ID card